International Students in the United States

International Students in the United States

Intro Today, we are going to explore the presence of international students who come to the United States to receive an education, specifically a boarding school education. Let’s first talk general statistics about international students who come to the United States...
Summer Options for High School Students

Summer Options for High School Students

Intro As we are all aware, summer is quickly approaching. So parents, what do you plan to do with your high school student this summer? We don’t need to remind you that a bored teen is one who is most likely heading for trouble. What’s the saying: idle hands are the...
Teens and Substance Abuse, Part 2

Teens and Substance Abuse, Part 2

As you read in the previous article Teens and Substance Abuse, Part 1, we discussed why teens are at risk for substance abuse, statistics regarding teens and substances, the changes seen in teens who use substances, and how substance use can lead to abuse. We...